Extra Oil (Episode 2)

From today’s studies, we will take a look at the parable of the ten bridesmaids (virgins in some translations). For a recap of the introduction, the link has been attached (recap).

The parable begins with Jesus likening how things will be in the Kingdom of God to the narration of events that follows. Picking the entire chapter into context, Jesus in Matthew 24 speaks extensively about His second coming and the events that will precede His coming. To reveal in another dimension how things would be like, He gave this parable:

“Then the Kingdom of Heaven will be like ten bridesmaids who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom.

Matthew 25:1 (NIV)

To fully understand this parable and what it means when Jesus uses it to describe His second coming, we need to have a study of how the weddings were celebrated. I did some few diggings arounds and this is a summary of what I found that I want to share.

On the wedding day, the bridegroom went to the bride’s house for the ceremony; then the bride and groom, along with a great procession, returned to the groom’s house where a feast took place, often lasting a full week.

There are three ways of acquiring a spouse: through money, a contract or sexual intercourse . The process of marriage occurs in two distinct stages: kiddushin (commonly translated as betrothal) and nisuin (full-fledged marriage). (reference)


The Kiddushin occurs when the woman accepts the money, contract or sexual relations offered by the prospective husband. The root word for kiddushin means to be sanctified. This means that upon accepting the offer, the woman is set apart for a purpose; to be his wife and no other mans’. Mostly the father of the groom negotiates the match for his son (reference).


The Nisuin completes the process of marriage. The husband brings the wife into his home and they begin their married life together. In the past, the Kiddushin and the nisuin would routinely occur as much as a year apart. In this period, the man prepares a home in his father’s home to receive his bride.

This sounds very interesting. God has always sought for a bride for His son, Christ. As such, He had to pay the price to secure the bride for His son. The price He paid out of love for the bride was the precious blood of His only begotten son. It was a costly, but He did it so that His Son will be united to His bride. I guess you can now infer that Christ is the groom and the church is His bride. Well, let me help your doubt with this scripture:

And you husbands, show the same kind of love to your wives as Christ showed to the Church when he died for her, to make her holy and clean, washed by baptism and God’s Word; so that he could give her to himself as a glorious Church without a single spot or wrinkle or any other blemish, being holy and without a single fault. 

Ephesians 5:25-27

In the Kiddushin, the groom was sent to His bride. Our famous Sunday School scripure, John 3:16, establishes this truth. Christ came into the world to be with us. Full of grace and truth, Christ came to reveal what the Kingdom of His father was. By His death on the cross, He used it as the terms of the contract (the new and everlasting covenant that comes with better promises) to secure the bride. The contract is still extended unto us to accept it so that we can become part of His bride (the church). The church, made up of individual members (believers) and knitted together by the Spirit, is Christ’s bride. That is why we need to believe in the name of the Lord Jesus to be saved. This is what the Bible says:

that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

Romans 10:9

We belong to Christ if we have accepted Him as our Lord and personal savior. As such, He has gone back to His father to prepare a place for us (John 14:3). To give us an assurance, He gave unto us the Holy Spirit as a seal of our salvation (Ephesians 1:13). He has assured us that you have my full oath that I am surely going to come for you. There is no way I will change my mind and go for another bride. In the fullness of time, the father will then send the groom to come for His bride and bring her home. The event, known as the nisuin, is what Christ uses to explain His second coming.

The question that we will discuss next time is what was the role of the bridesmaid in the coming of the bride. The bride will never change, but the bridesmaids can be changed, think through it. Are you ready for His coming?

I would line to end today’s episode by giving you the opportunity to accept Jesus as your Lord and saviour if you have not. Also, I would want to give you the opportunity to rededicate your life to Christ. Please say this prayer in faith and out loud:


Father, thank you for showing me a sinner your love. I am grateful for your sacrifice to save a wretched sinner like me. I believe that Jesus is your Son and He died for my sins. I accept Jesus as my Lord and personal savior. I dedicate my life unto you and will walk with him steadfastly by Your help. Thank you father for accepting me into your family. Amen!!!

If you have said these prayers, then you have been saved. Kindly find a Bible believing church to attend. Enjoy the fellowship of other brethren and grow in this grace that you have received. Kindly drop your comments and contribute your thoughts to this series. God bless you and remain a blessing.

StandOut Ministry International


http://bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/judaism/rites/weddings_1.shtml; https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/marriage-in-judaism; https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/ancient-jewish-marriage/

Published by Kwaku P. Adjei

A writer whose aim is to raise leaders by touching their spirits with the truth to transform their souls.

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